Friday, October 19, 2007

bitten by the bed bug

well guys, the hostels have caught up with me, and i have officially been attacked by bed bugs. i think it may have happened in salzburg, which is weird becasue it was a really nice little pension we stayed in...i think i may have to email them. i woke up this morning from the train and had the welts all over me, except i noticed a few before we boarded the train so i think it happened before then. so gross i know, and matt doesn't even have that is sick. the weather in florence is lovely although the town really isn't...overtouristed...i am at the point where if i see one more church i will vomit, also getting really sick of repaacking unpacking just feeling gross and dirry, it has taken six weeks but i am at that point. not really homesick although i do miss you all but just sick of being wihtout things and wearing literally the same shirt each day...oh well guess i have to go buy some italian clothes...hhaa will try to blog later if you have facebook the pics are up there!

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