Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Well we traveled again all day this made us realiye we canot do this anymotre. We went down from Switzerland and just barely made it to the train to Venice. Well actually of all hte things people told us about europe i wish some one would have told us how to work the damn eurail pass. You have to get it validated before boarding the train, PLUS you have to buy some stuipd reservation ticket. so we were planning on boarding a train before noon and didnćt get on a train until 2. All you need to know is that we waited in lines, we were frusterated, hungry, we wainted ona bench for an hour and a half, well yes it really sucked. ?lus i hate the milan train station more than any place in europe. it is dirty and if you have to pee you muhst pay the US equilivlant of $1.50 which is bullshit so i just ran onto parked trains and peed htere and ran off.oh well. so long train ride to venice. barelz made it to the train in trieste. we literally jumped off the train, ran to the next train and seconds after we boarded the train to Trieste it started moving. Lucky! We made it to Trieste too late to continue on our waz to Rijeka so we stazed in alocal hotel for the night, got up earlz to catch the bus to Rijeka at 8:30am. When we arrived in Rijeka just after lunch Erica immediately recognized Zvonimir as he approached us on the sidewalk. He was soooo happz to see us, he kissed her once on each cheek and me (Matt is writing now) too. A little weird, but I didnt have much of a choice. We rode the bus back to his house and met his wife Sofia. Sofia is small, extremelz motherlz and adorable. She was soooooo nice and loved to cook for us. She throw food in front of us from everz direction. Some good some bad, but it was quiete an expereince just trzing each tzpe of meal. Their family is veagan, so no meat. Thez also donćt drink alcohol, we wanmted to buy them a bottle of wine but no go. Thez want us to learn the Croatian language but it is extremelz hard. We know how to saz Good Day, Dobra Don, Thank you, Hvala and some other stuff that I donćt want to trz to spell.except jesty that means eat and sofia always says this. theey call matt matae it is funny sometimes it is really hard though it took us like 20 minutues just to communjicate that we saw fog on the ocean (more). The view from their window is absoulutelz phenominal. Thez look over the manz small clay roofed houses that lead down to the Adriatic Sea. Its nice. After food we went on a walk, took a nap, ate some more, did some laundry and crashed fairlz earlz. Next daz we started our journez down to south Croatia!

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